Monday 22 September 2008

2nd Week in Multimedia

2nd Week September 9-13 2008

On Monday with David nelson we learned how to add a flash button which we program to make our animation do a special thing when you click on it and we also learned how to enter scripts which i found interesting as it is some thing new ...

In the afternoon with David Stewart we done "Plato" assessments which includes communication numeracy and it which shows how good we are in each of those section. i got intermediate 2 in communication intermediate 2 in numeracy and a higher in it. I actually got a little bit annoyed with my communication because i got about 40 questions and the others only got like 20 or so...

On Tuesday with Gerry Shevlin we just listened to Gerry talking the whole period which was quite boring because i don't even remember what we were talking about.

In the Afternoon we had Jim Johnston and we made some more html pages and we learned how to make tables which was good because me and Andy Mcdermott were trying to figure out how to put our images in the middle of the screen and using layers and table helped

On Friday morning we had art with Anne Marie i have finished my shade tones and tints painting which went on pretty well and i enjoyed doing it as i don't find it difficult at all.

in the afternoon we were with Gerry Shevlin again and he just end up talking for the whole period again and just like on Tuesday i don't remember what he was talking about.....

Monday 1 September 2008

1st Week in Multimedia

1st Week August 25-29 2008

This blog is about my experiences and opinion on my first week in Multimedia. I will probably be posting blogs every week or maybe every time I'm at college

On the morning of my first day i had Animation Fundamentals in which we done a nice simple exercise on which we had to make an animation of a bouncy ball using Macromedia Flash 8. I myself have found it very easy to make so i ended up being bored for the rest of the class. I have also discovered that my lecturer is known to be a big fan of making the bouncy ball on all his first class.

On the afternoon i have Support and Guidance in which we had an induction on what we would be expecting to achieve and to do in the future. At the end the class he presented a slide show about web design. It showed us what a good website is like and what a bad website would look like and it was very interesting as he have also include a couple of bullet points which points out the main things that people gets wrong with designing their websites.

On Tuesday morning we had Digital Media Elements for Applications which was about talking about what the outcome would be at the end of this course. We have also talked about what we would be aiming to achieve on the first block of the course. He also mentioned that he wishes that we would have had more time for the block as some of the people in the class doesn't really know how to use a digital camera properly which means we need to spend more time on something that I myself already know.

In the afternoon, We had Website Design Fundamentals and in which we just had a quick introduction on what we would be expecting out of this part of the course. Then we moved on to making our first web page using Notepad which was pretty easy. I was actually surprised that you can do so much with such a simple software which is free and is on just about every PC in the world. We also started using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 which is a software that makes you make websites easier as it makes the codes for you which is kind of hard to do for some one who is just starting with web designing as there are a lot of different codes and tags that you can use.

On Friday morning i actually didn't know what i was going to be doing as it never really said anything on my timetable but "serviced" but then i found out that i would be in an art class in which we were introduce on what we were gonna do which was INT 2 Colour Introduction. At first i actually found it very boring as we were just sitting there doing nothing but listening to the lecturer explain what the class was about but after the break we started making our own colour wheel which i done with no hustle at all.

In the afternoon we had still imaging class which was all about photography, photo editing and stuff like that using adobe photoshop cs2. but on this afternoon we just sat down and listen to the teacher the whole period talking about what we are planning to achieve in this class and we also talked about the rules and what not regarding about the course

My First Blog


I'm GJ and I am currently a student at Langside College for Nc Multimedia

I made this account to keep a record on my progress and stuff I do throughout this course.